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Three nuances of yellow or longing for the South

Photos & translation © Ksenija Putilin

A few cars move through the first cold of November over yellow grasslands (and it was only a day ago that I had had coffee in the warmth of an Indian summer sun), mottled with wooded hills of planted conifers. The Lada Niva heading the convoy stops, followed by all of the vehicles behind it, and twenty-odd ornithologists from the area between the Macedonia and Slovenia busily search the gloomy sky.

These participants of the BirdLife workshop Wings Across the Balkans, have entered Ovche Pole, in the North-East of Macedonia – you have never heard of this place, unless you have relatives there. This is my first time here as well, after at least a decade of legends about it.

Ravens over the nearby hill, then a Common Buzzard and … the reason we stopped, the rare Eastern Imperial Eagle soars over the hill (If I had an eagle's wings, I would rise and fly with them, To our own shores, to our own climes,…) and lands on top of the hill. This is one of the best and most exclusive eco-touristic destinations in the entire Balkans. On the other side of the hill we spot two more Imperial Eagles, before the cold forces us back into the warm cocoons of the cars, where we quietly but quickly hear:

Across the dark and dusty plain
Where scars of old dry rivers run…

A little later, not far from the road we spot a couple of eagles. The cars screeching to a halt almost cause a traffic jam – or would have caused it had there been any traffic. Some of the ornithologists in the group are seeing these birds for the very first time. Within 45 minutes we’ve watched as many Imperial Eagles as we have in the whole of Serbia.

A narrow asphalt road across the dry grass ahead of us… a large falcon! All of the cars stop, I am watching something that at first looks like a Peregrine Falcon, but it hides its tail away from me too quickly and flies off. Other people’s opinions have swayed towards the much rarer Lanner Falcon but they too saw too little of it. In consolation we get a Saker Falcon and this one shows well.

The local road meanders through highland and ends in an almost deserted village of dilapidated and aging houses. We stand on a bridge over a smallish river, banks decorated with gloriously yellow leaves through which a Wren moves like a mouse (it’s the same Wren as the one from the story where it became the king of birds for riding upon the shoulders of the eagles...). We watch and wait. Ultimately we are rewarded with a Golden Eagle on the hill! …then another one, and another one, a total of three different birds.

Well frozen but smiling we get back to our cars …

…Towns asleep by empty roads
Churches rise from crooked roofs…

Nowhere in Serbia can you see an Imperial and a Golden eagle in the same habitat on the same day. The threatened Saker Falcon is holding up relatively well, but I can’t remember the last time someone saw a Lanner Falcon – nor have I ever watched it in Serbia (hmmm…maybe not even in Europe). I make this comment to a Macedonian colleague who says: “Maybe we are spoiled – we are out in the field there every weekend”

The flames are in the fireman's eye
Orange in the engines glow
Gleaming pistons whirling cranks
Wait for dawn the rooster's crow

More about the workshop here


Популарни постови са овог блога

Dr Sergej Dimitrijevič Matvejev, 1913-2003

Pisano 2003; objavljeno u Acrocephalusu, Vol. 24, No. 116: Dr. Matvejeva sam prvi put sreo posredstvom "Rasprostranjenja i života ptica u Srbiji" iz 1950, na koju sam naišao u knjižari SANU negde početkom devedesetih. Prošlo je još par godina pre nego sam saznao da je autor ne samo živ, već i dalje aktivan ornitolog. Prvi put smo se uživo čuli kada se tokom osnivačke skupštine Lige za ornitološku akciju SCG telefonom obratio da nam čestita na inicijativi, te ponudi nekoliko svojih knjiga za buduću biblioteku. Doživeo sam to kao naročitu čast, budući da je uobičajeno da se amateri obraćaju stručnjacima, a retkost da ta komunikacija teče u suprotnom pravcu. Nekoliko dana kasnije sam Dr. Matvejeva posetio u njegovom domu u ulici Veljka Dugoševića u Beogradu. Tom prilikom sam saznao da je, pomalo iznenađujuće, prvo zavrsio arhitekturu i svoj prvi ornitoloski rad (o seoskom detliću Dendrocopos syriacus ) objavio 1938, da bi tokom II svetskog rata završio biologiju. Takođe, uvek

Zavodljiva težina lakoće: durbin Swarovski STX

Ovog vikenda sam ponovo pronašao onog crnog galeba koji je kod nas retkost, a o kom sam vam već (više puta) pričao . Otkrio sam ga na istom mestu gde se i prošle zime zadržavao, samo što sam ovog puta ja našao način da mu priđem mnogo bliže. Prvo sam napravio nekoliko dokumentacionih fotki mobilnim kroz durbin 25-60×65 Swarovski STX – iz ruke (tj. bez adaptera), a onda mi se ispraznila baterija. Kako galeb nije pokazivao znake želje da ode ma kuda, otišao sam kući po foto-aparat i napravio još jednu seriju slika. I znate šta mi je zapalo za oko? Slike pravljene ziljavim mobilnim, ali kroz teleskop, bile su umnogome oštrije od onih snimljenih foto-aparatom. Pa sam se setio svog brata, foto-reportera, koji je nekom prilikom bacio pogled kroz moj Swarovski dvogled i odmah rekao: “Brrate, kako ovo oštro crta!” Ja volim kompaktnu i laganu opremu. Nisam spreman da teglim suvišne stotine grama koje - kada dodate sasvim nespretan i pretežak, a navodno dobar stativ - ubrzo post

Koji je to soko-vrabac-šta-god? (8)

Svako malo dobijem jedno od onih pitanja. Najnovije je bilo: “Mala grabljivica veličine vrapca, nekakav soko? Srećem ga po gradu često. Po boji liči na stepskog sokola, ali je jako mali. Koji je to soko?”  Nije nego, soko veličine vrapca, da smo u jugoistočnoj Aziji, Africi ili Južnoj Americi, pa da pričamo... Nezadovoljan mojim odgovorom da takvo nešto u Srbiji jednostavno ne postoji, te da se verovatno samo radi o lošem opisu vetruške , nesuđeni ptičar nastavlja: “Uh kad mi neko kaže da nešto ne postoji... dakle imao sam tu pticu kući i odnegovao, odrasla je veličine vrapca, kljun je kukast kao kod grabljvica, ima pogled grabljvice, siva je kao stepski soko , ima kandže grabljivice. Osim one koju sam ja odnegovao (ispala je iz gnezda) nalazio sam i mrtve u prirodi...videcu da vam postujem fotku ako je nadjem” Naravno, slika se nikad nije materijalizovala. Ali ako je ptica zaista tolika, onda je verovatno svračak , a zbog obojenosti – ženka, ali on se nikako ne sreće često po grad